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As soon as you arrive in Arezzo, it is the “Matitone” of the Cathedral- the Bell tower of the Cathedral for the inhabitants of Arezzo – the undisputed protagonist of the city's skyline. With its hexagonal pencil shape and its tip it seems to draw the sky. Below, the Cathedral dedicated to Saints Peter and Donato, a treasure chest and today one of the most beautiful gothic monuments in Tuscany. Years and years of history are condensed in this elegant building, still alive and throbbing  in the heart of the city. The facade is the first of the masterpieces we come across during our visit. As soon as we enter, a rainbow of colors welcomes us thanks to the stained glasses painted by Guillaume de Marcillat. In the left nave the fresco of  Maddalena by Piero della Francesca and the relics of Pope Blessed Gregory, on the main altar the majestic Ark of San Donato made of marble, a fourteenth-century masterpiece which is complemented by beautiful frescoes and chapels along the right nave. The wooden choir and the painting depicting the Baptism of Christ, are sixteenth-century works by Giorgio Vasari. In the nineteenth century the cathedral changed its face to host the Chapel of the Madonna del Conforto, protector of Arezzo, the most loved by the people of Arezzo. To surround his miraculous icon, which saved Arezzo from the earthquake in 1796, we find the large glazed terracotta altarpieces of Andrea Della Robbia and the monumental pictorial works of the great masters of Neoclassicism Pietro Benvenuti, Luigi Sabatelli and Luigi Ademollo. At its feet, for more than 200 years, every February 15, anniversary of the miracle, the whole city gets together

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